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Support for Helping Professionals

Compassion fatigue is REAL

Counselors, teachers, first responders, medical professionals, foster parents, and other professionals work in high stress situations because they are dedicated to helping others. People who work in these environments often experience secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, burn-out, anxiety, poor health, and emotional numbing. Your own peace and well-being shouldn’t be the price you pay for helping others. At Resolve we have a variety of services to help restore your peace and passion for making the world a better place.

Woman rests face down on a gray couch.

In addition to mental health support, Resolve offers continuing education, consultation, and supervision services.

What is Compassion Fatigue?

Compassion fatigue has been described as the “cost of caring” for others in emotional pain (Figley, 1982). 

The helping field has gradually begun to recognize that workers are profoundly affected by the work they do. Whether it is by direct exposure to traumatic events or hearing clients talk about trauma they have experienced, helping professionals are asked to carry the weight of the worst that happens in this world.   The work of helping requires professionals to open their hearts and minds to their clients and patients – unfortunately, this very process of empathy is what makes helpers vulnerable to being profoundly affected and even possibly damaged by their work.

How can Resolve help?

Working through compassion fatigue can help professionals find meaning and joy in their work again. We will help you learn skills such as mindfulness, grounding, and using your breath as well as developing plans for self care and self compassion. Life doesn’t have to be so hard!

Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue

Excessive blaming

Bottled up emotions

Isolation from others

Voices excessive complaints about administrative functions

Substance abuse used to mask feelings

Receives unusual amount of complaints from others

Compulsive behaviors such as overspending, overeating, gambling, sexual addictions

Poor self-care (i.e., hygiene, appearance)

Legal problems, indebtedness

Reoccurrence of nightmares and flashbacks to traumatic events

Chronic physical ailments such as gastrointestinal problems and recurrent colds

Apathy, sad, no longer finds activities pleasurable

Difficulty concentrating

Mentally and physically tired


In denial about problems

Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue


We’re ready to help you starting taking care of yourself.